Dog Obedience you can trust!!

  • Basic Level Obedience

    We teach basic life skill commands such Name game, Leave It, Down, loose leash walking and much more.

  • Intermediate Level Obedience

    Building off the what we learned in Basic Level we now add a new layer which consists of Sit/Stay with distractions, proper manners when greeting people, drop on recalls, Loose Leash walking, and much more.

  • Advanced Level obedience

    We continue to build off our foundation from the previous levels to be able to have reliable recalls, heeling while walking, stay while out of sight, and more…

Upcoming Dog Obedience Classes

  • Basic Obedience Class (Saturday & Sunday)

    New Class starting -TBD

    Time: TBD
    Class runs for 6 weeks.
    Cost: $185


    New Class starting - TBD
    Time: TBD.
    Class runs for 6 weeks.
    Cost: $185

  • Intermediate Obedience Class (Sunday)

    New Class starting -TBD

    Time: TBD.
    Class runs for 6 weeks.
    Cost: $185